CEPEJ-STAT: Dynamic database of European judicial systems

Please find various data on judicial systems of Council of Europe Member states / entities and observers collected by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), data presented are 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016.

Admitted as an observer to the CEPEJ, EEEI has been involved in the work of statistics analysis concerning experts in the 47 member countries of the Council of Europe. In this way, the Institute gathers information which enables it to acquire a more extensive knowledge of the expert populations and the rules governing their recruitment and activity, which it can use in its work within the EU. By proposing amendments to the questionnaire sent to member states and to the glossary, it contributes to passing on the ideas, fruits of its work and reflections.

EEEI sent a report (originated by Alain Nuee and Eric Parize) commented on the data collected in 2016 with recommendations on the collection of statistics in 2018.

It should already be noted that the analytical work has encountered two difficulties:

  • The first is linked to the fact that the most populous countries do not provide any statistics on the number of experts they have,
  • The second is that, despite the growing interest in the subject on the part of the European authorities, different concepts, starting with that of judicial expert, are not defined in the same way by everyone and that literal translations generate misunderstandings and responses whose ambiguities may be removed by developing and refining the questionnaires sent to the States.

EEEI can through its own network, help the CEPEJ to overcome these difficulties by providing data for the year 2018 with a view to drafting the report to be drawn up in 2020.

Please find the report in French and in English on the Judicial experts.