EEEI partner of a new project : “Evaluation and impact assessment”

We are pleased to announce that the EEEI is a partner in a newly selected project of DG Justice.

In April 2020, the Belgian branch of the audit and consulting firm Deloitte submitted a file in response to a tender from the European Commission, Directorate General for Justice and Consumers. The services in question are “Evaluation, Impact and Compliance Assessment, Policy Support and Legal Analysis Services”.

The framework contract has been awarded to Deloitte in September 2020.

The lot in question is Lot 1 (“Evaluation, Impact Assessment and Related Policy Support Services in the Justice and Consumers Policy Areas” – JUST/2020/PR/03/001).

Lots 1 and 2 cover services that relate to the Justice and Consumer policy areas, which include activities in the following areas:

  1. Civil justice
  2. Criminal justice
  3. Horizontal justice files
  4. EU Citizenship
  5. Personal data protection
  6. Fundamental rights as laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, including rule of law
  7. Anti-discrimination and gender equality
  8. Racisms, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance
  9. Rights of the child
  10. Consumer policy
  11. The international dimension of EU justice and consumer policies
  12. Developments and new challenges brought about by new technologies and innovations in EU justice and consumer policies

Members and close contacts of EEEI will be invited to work within the project especially when it comes to aspects such as justice systems. The following issues have been identified as potential fields where EEEI could work on: Judicial training, E-Justice, Judicial systems, as well as “the international dimension of EU justice and consumer policies ». The interdisciplinary approach and membership of EEEI was decisive for the selection as a project partner .

Assignments can relate to either legislative or non-legislative initiatives, as well as to expenditure programmes. Policy support studies will in particular provide prospective input for the development of future policies.

The duration of the contract will be 24 months, renewable automatically twice for a further 12 months each time. The time frame of studies is mostly 6 to 9 months.

Together with the Maastricht University, an international law firm (Grimaldi Studio Legale), a German research and consulting firm (ConPolicy GmbH) and a Belgian services firm (Bycon Associates), EEEI is one of the project’s partners/subcontractors and, as such, part of the Framework Contract Committee.

The tools used by Deloitte for such assignments will be partially interactive with (amongst others)  interviews, surveys, workshops and open public consultations. Another tool will be data analysis.

We will keep our members informed about the developments of this project.

Sascha Dalen Gilhuijs EEEI’s General Secretary and Béatrice Deshayes — EEEI’s Past Co-President